Program Studi S1 Teknik Sipil

Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis

Ahmad Dahlan Lamongan

Profil Lulusan

Perencana Infrastruktur

Perancang Bangunan

Pelaksana atau pengawas proyek

Pengelola Infrastruktur

Akademik Staff dan Peneliti

Ahli Interpreneur Teknik


Mengapa Kuliah di Teknik Sipil

Wide career opportunities

Peluang kerja luas di bidang konstruksi

Pengembangan pembangunan negara

Sarjana Teknik Sipil sangat dibutuhkan perusahaan divisi pengembangan bangunan di setiap perusahaan

Jiwa wirausaha

Mengasah kemampuan menjadi seorang pengusaha seperti menjadi seorang kontraktor, jasa konsultan bangunan dan developer

Pendaftaran Mahasiswa Baru


Prospek Pekerjaan

  • Jasa Konsultasi Bidang Perencana
  • Jasa Jonsultasi Bidang Pengawas
  • Kontraktor/Estimator Bangunan
  • Jasa Pengembang/Developer
  • PNS (Bina Marga, Cipta Karya, Pengairan)
  • BUMN, BUMD dll.

Sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis. Facilisi nullam vehicula.

Convallis a cras semper auctor neque vitae tempus pellentesque.

Consectetur libero id faucibus nisl tincidunt eget nullam non.

Orci a scelerisque purus semper eget duis at tellus.

Some Insights

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Lines of code


Cups of cofee


Solved tickets


Active installs

What peoples say about us

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Patricia Muller

WordPress Developer

“You’ve read about the impoce of the being courageous, rebelliousi and it’s imaginative. These are all vital for ingredients in an effective advertising they must.”

Patricia Muller

WordPress Developer

“You’ve read about the impoce of the being courageous, rebelliousi and it’s imaginative. These are all vital for ingredients in an effective advertising they must.”

Patricia Muller

WordPress Developer

“You’ve read about the impoce of the being courageous, rebelliousi and it’s imaginative. These are all vital for ingredients in an effective advertising they must.”

Let’s Build Something Together

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